10 Tips for Healthy Eyes

10 Tips for Healthy Eyes

With simple measures, we can avoid major problems with our eyes. Protect your eye health with these methods! Eye infections, glaucoma, refractive errors, cataracts, and macular diseases are common problems for many people.

They not only disrupt our quality of life, but they can also lead to permanent vision loss if treated too late. With simple measures, we can avoid major problems with our eyes. Additionally, it is very easy to take a 20-second break at the computer every 20 minutes, use sunglasses in summer and winter, get some essential nutrients through diet, and have regular eye exams. Here are 10 effective measures you should take for your eye health!

1- Pay attention to the choice of your makeup items Bacteria can multiply easily in liquid or creamy materials. Therefore, do not use liquid makeup that you have used for more than 3 months. If you have an eye infection, throw away all makeup items. Also, do not apply eyeliner to the inside of the lash line. This is because the tear ducts are located inside the lash line, which can lead to blockages and infections. Clean your eyes every evening with suitable cleansers. Also, make sure not to share your makeup with others.

2- Healthy nutrition is important for your eyes The heart and circulatory system are important for eye health. For your eye health, you should regularly consume dark green leafy vegetables such as arugula, Swiss chard, spinach, oranges, whole grains, whole grain products, and citrus fruits. Foods rich in zinc, such as beans, peas, red meat, and poultry, protect the eye from light damage. Plant foods such as carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, lettuce, leeks, and parsley with vitamin A, as well as animal foods such as tuna, salmon, goat's milk, cow's milk, eggs, and liver, maintain visual acuity. Eating these foods regularly is important for your eye health. For the function of photoreceptors, which are dense at the yellow spot, foods such as carrots, beets, egg yolks, and broccoli that contain beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also nutrients that should be regularly present in your diet plan.

3- Take a 20-second break at the computer every 20 minutes Looking at the computer screen does not harm your eyes, but it makes them tired and dry. This is because when we look at the screen, we blink half as much as usual (10-12 times/minute). Look away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds for your eye health. Keep your screen 50 cm away and the top edge of the screen is below your eye level. Do not forget to block reflected light sources.

4- Take good care of your contact lenses If you wear contact lenses, pay close attention to cleanliness. Otherwise, the risk of eye infection increases. Wash your hands with soap and water before putting on and removing the lens. Change the solution in the lens container every day. Replace your container every 2-3 months. Do not use your lenses longer than recommended. Do not sleep with your lenses, do not go to the pool with them, and do not shower with your contact lenses.

5- Use your sunglasses in summer and winter Ultraviolet rays damage your eyes as much as your skin. They can cause cataracts, corneal burns, or even eyelid cancer. They can also cause yellowing. When outdoors, wear sunglasses whether the weather is overcast or not, whether it's summer or winter. If you use contact lenses, choose those with UV-A and UV-B blocking. Also, wearing a hat offers protection. Remember that snow, water,sand, and concrete also reflect sunlight.

6- Read the medication leaflets Some medications can negatively affect the eyes. Blurred vision, increased eye pressure, light sensitivity, or dry eyes can be side effects of medications you take for other reasons. Therefore, be sure to read the medication leaflets and inform your doctor if any side effects occur due to medication intake.

7- Do not ignore eye problems If you have redness and itching in your eyes, apply a cold compress or use artificial tear drops. If you have a stinging or sandy feeling, wash your face and rinse your eye with saline solution. If your complaints persist or you have eye pain, swelling in the eyelids, and light sensitivity, consult your ophthalmologist. Light flashes, floating black spots, and blurred vision indicate more serious problems and require you to see a doctor without wasting time.

8- Have a regular eye examination Even if you do not wear glasses, you should have regular eye exams. Regular exams allow for early detection of eye diseases that can lead to permanent vision loss and detection of many systemic diseases. In some cancers, for example, in multiple sclerosis, the first symptom of Behcet's disease can develop in the eye. For this reason, adults aged 18 to 40 who have no eye problems should have an examination at most every 2 years, while older people or people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of eye diseases should have an examination once a year. Even if many diseases seem unrelated, they affect eye health. For example, high blood pressure and diabetes can affect your eye vessels and lead to intraocular bleeding, narrowing of the visual field, and even vision loss. Therefore, do not forget to inform your ophthalmologist about your own medical history and eye diseases in the family.

9- Do not forget safety glasses About half of eye injuries do not come from work accidents but from accidents at home. Therefore, always wear safety glasses when making repairs at home, using cleaning products, and especially when playing ball sports. Remember that glasses made of polycarbonate plastic are 10 times stronger than other materials.

10- Do not smoke If you smoke, you should quit immediately! Smoking is the main risk factor for age-related macular degeneration. It also accelerates the formation of cataracts and dries your eyes. Due to the hardening of the arteries, this can lead to blockage of the eye vessels, which can result in vision loss. If you quit smoking, your risk for eye diseases drops to the ratio of non-smokers.