Everything about oral and dental care for healthy teeth

Everything about oral and dental care for healthy teeth

The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system and a very favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms for reasons such as its opening to the external environment and contact with nutrients.

For this reason, diseases that occur in the tissues and teeth in the mouth can lead to significant health problems in people if regular, correct, and effective oral and dental care is not performed. In addition to health, irregular oral and dental hygiene causes an unpleasant appearance, which negatively affects the individual's quality of life, both socially, psychologically, and physiologically. Oral and dental care in childhood To have healthy teeth in adulthood, it is necessary to perform regular oral and dental care from the start of the first teeth in childhood. Baby teeth, which start in childhood and complete their development at the age of 2 to 3 years, will later fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth that will just come out. There is a misconception among people that baby teeth in childhood do not need much care because they will fall out anyway. During childhood, when baby teeth are present, oral and dental care is not given enough attention, leading to tooth decay and premature loss of baby teeth, negatively affecting the health of permanent teeth.

It is crucial for parents to train proper oral and dental care in childhood and acquire this habit so that the child can have healthy teeth in adulthood. During this time, families should regularly practice dental care with their children, who consider their parents as role models. Choosing toothbrushes and pastes that suit the child's taste is very helpful in achieving the habit of brushing teeth, making oral and dental care more enjoyable. Oral and dental care in adulthood In adulthood, especially at the age of 25, when the period of youth ends, in which the construction activity in the body is quite fast, the superiority of bone construction over bone destruction begins to end. For this reason, it is necessary to pay much more attention to oral and dental care to prevent tooth weakness and tooth loss. It should be ensured that components such as vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus, which play a role in dental health, contained in milk and dairy products, are taken in sufficient amounts with nutrients.

In addition to tooth decay in adulthood, the incidence of gum diseases is very high. Plaque, which covers the tooth surface and hides under the gum, should be cleaned regularly to prevent gum withdrawal and inflammation. If there is tartar formation, the stone plaque should be removed by going to the dentist. In the public, misconceptions are widespread, such as tooth decay or tooth loss that can occur during pregnancy and that it is normal and that it is also uncomfortable for pregnant women to undergo dental treatment. It should be remembered that it is possible to prevent tooth decay and tooth loss in expectant mothers who apply the necessary care and nutrition during pregnancy and the proper oral care, and in cases deemed necessary by the dentist, dental treatment can also be applied to pregnant women.

How is effective oral and dental care performed?

For effective oral and dental care in children and adults, the following points should be considered:: To maintain the health of teeth and gums, teeth should be brushed at least twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles at a 45-degree angle up and down. Make sure the front and back of each tooth and the chewing surfaces are sufficiently brushed. Tongue cleaning should be performed using toothbrushes or tongue cleaners. To prevent plaque and tartar formation, teeth should be cleaned with dental floss after each brushing. After brushing, oral care rinses should be used for more effective mouth cleaning. Consumption of sugar and sugary foods that form acid and cause plaque and tooth decay should be reduced to a minimum. Excessive tea and coffee consumption and smoking should be avoided as much as possible, as they cause staining on teeth. Especially in childhood, it should be ensured that the fluoride content of drinking water is sufficient. If tap water is used in areas with low fluoride content in the water, it should be fluoridated as needed according to the recommendations of the dentist. Dental examinations should be performed regularly at least every 6 months.

By applying the principles of proper oral and dental care throughout life, starting from childhood, it is possible to maintain dental health and prevent tooth loss. So if you want to have healthy teeth, you should carefully perform your oral care and undergo regular dental examinations.